Capone Returns

By Nate Hendley

I am pleased to announce that my short book about Al Capone is available for purchase once again.  

Originally published in 2006 by Altitude Publishing, Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crime, was released by Dundurn Press in e-book format in July 2021.

Here’s a promo blurb:

“Chicago mob legend Al Capone set the template for future crime bosses, offering a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of being an underworld leader.

Quick to recognize the value of sympathetic media coverage and alliances with local politicians, Capone amassed almost unimageable wealth, prestige, and power. He also had syphilis which affected his judgement and a violent streak which brought him to the attention of federal authorities. While rival gangs couldn’t kill Capone, he faced a more formidable challenge when bureaucrats began scrutinizing his tax returns.”

Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crime is available for instant download at Barnes and NobleKobo, or the Dundurn Press website.

This title is also available in audiobook format at: AudibleAmazon and Apple

(Nate Hendley is a Toronto-based journalist, speaker, and author. His website offers more details about his books and background)

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